Emily Lam

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fate Got Me Into College

Now that I reflect, a lot of what got me into college was fate, luck, or whatever else you may call it.

I was not conscious that you had to "do extracurricular activities," "participate in community service," and "take AP courses" to be competitive college applicant until the end of my junior year in high school. Up until then, everything I did was purely for personal interest and curiosity. And well, look how fortunate I ended up. I'm at BU and having the time of my life!

It was fate that my elementary school music teacher was so nice and played the piano so well that I was inspired to take piano lessons, resulting in six or seven years of piano lessons.

It was fate that my parents wanted me to learn chinese, resulting in eight years of chinese school, and a certificate of completion.

It was fate that my middle school science teacher notice my interest in the sciences and recommend me to attend Design Lab/Camp, resulting in multiple high school internships and my current summer job.

It was fate that one of my good friends in middle school recommended me to join Air Force Junior ROTC in high school, resulting in arguably the defining experience of my high school career. I gained valuable leadership skills, committed to numerous hours of community service, and learned to become a better citizen. I remember being roped into the majority of the community service events by my good conscious and the ROTC requirement to do community service.

It was fate that I didn't run for an e-board position in middle school, resulting in regret and eventually in me running in high school for an e-board position for NHS.

It was fate that I was out of shape and decided to join cross country team to get back into shape, resulting in co-captainship but I didn't really do anything as a co-captain, so that doesn't really count.

It was fate that I watched the Beijing 2008 olympics, particularly the gymnastics portion, and was inspired to join the gymnastic team.

It was fate that I took AP History and AP Physics. I don't recall who convinced me to take AP History but I remember not caring whether or not I took it or not. I remember I took AP Physics because it fitted into my schedule. What I really wanted to take at the time was UML Biology, and that was only so I could feel good about myself that I was taking a university course in high school.

It was ALL fate! Everything.

Fate got me into college. I am really grateful. But, you know, it's time I give fate a rest and take control of my life! Thank You!

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