Emily Lam

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Saturday, September 08, 2012


It's junior year and things are both different and the same.

I'm living in an apartment this year. So that means I'll be cooking. I kind of suck at cooking, but I'm learning. I'm aiming for healthy, nutritious, fresh, and natural meals. Basically, nothing processed. I am going to try to get most of my produce from the farmers market. I like the farmers market. The farmers are so nice. The other day, I got a free bag of raspberry chocolate almonds and yesterday I got a free sunflower for being a student and a jalapeƱo on the house.

As for academics, I don't feel like I'm in school yet. I attend lectures but it's different. I guess I'm just so used to empty seats in my lectures, and since it's the beginning of the year, everyone is still attending classes, and the lecture rooms are packed. However, everyone seems more focused and interested in learning now. So I don't think the lecture rooms are going to get less crowded. I think at this point, there will be few people dropping out of engineering. So these classmates will the people I will have classes with for the rest of my undergraduate years. I also feel obligated at the beginning of the semester to not doodle in class. Oh, I forgot to mention that I am taking 4 engineering courses, all of which, including their accompanying discussions and labs, are in the same building. I will be living in one building this semester. How unfortunate! I actually hardly cross Comm Ave now. =[ I really do miss Bay State Road.

I'm restless though. It's like I want things to happen, and nothing is happening. I sit idly. I know, I need to go do things. But what? I think part of it is that I need to learn how to go places alone. My friends are focused on school or work or just not interested in exploring the city anymore. I guess it has to do with the fact that a good portion of the city has been explored and the remaining portion to them isn't worth exploring and repeating destinations aren't worth making time for. But you know, I live so close to the MFA now, that it'll be a shame if I didn't go more often. I like doing things. I'm also not much of a TV person, so when I have free time, I spend it on the interweb. But lately, I've had more than enough free time, and spending too much time on the interweb isn't good for me anyway. Of course, both my jobs haven't started yet, so I won't be restless for long. And of course, I always have project ideas in my head that I should work on.

I did go see Paranorman today with two of my friends. It was good, comedic, creative, and great animation. Check it out if you have the time and money to spare. After that, I lounged around. I think I may go on a bike ride after dinner, along the esplanade perhaps. And then hit up the bingo event BU is hosting.

Update: Only got a short ride in, about 2 miles, because it started to rain . . . I did get a nice picture from under BU bridge.

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