Emily Lam

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Friday, December 31, 2010

So, let me explain the last post . . .

Okay, the last post is not about my life or my thoughts.

It is the beginning of a story that I will hopefully finish writing. *knock on wood* This break, I told myself I was going to write regardless of the fact that I suck at writing. So, that post is what I came up with. The story itself isn't plotted, but I do have a few major events I want to hit and a few characters developed.

Why my fascination with writing? I think it's just one of those things I've always wanted to do but failed at doing. I've never finished any of the stories I've started outside of school. *knock on wood* But I guess, writing is also creating. It's not creating a physical object, but creating an idea, a story. And, that's what I want to do with my life. I want to create.

I've always wanted to be a creator – okay, not always. But starting in fifth grade, I wanted to be a creator. Actually, the term I used in fifth grade was inventor. But that year was when I started to become really interested in engineering, which is the creating aspect of science. I attended engineering camp/workshops, bought do it yourself engineering kits, and amassed random tools and parts. I have a solar panel somewhere in my drawer. Even the toys I played with were related to creating. I played with K'nex and legos. I remember fondly the ferris wheel I built out of K'nex. So basically, engineering was what I determined I wanted to do with my life. Well, that was until I took AP Physics my junior year of high school. I hated the class and thought if I hate physics, I can't be an engineer cause that's what engineers do, they apply physics. And, what better time to lose focus of what I wanted to do with my life than the year of college applications. I was deeply lost. I was so unsure of what I wanted. I was bouncing around all different majors, from music to english to film, while at the same time rejecting anything medical or law related. On all my applications to college, I was undecided until, the very last month before applications were due, December. I took a shower – that's where I think best – and realized I wasn't going to let one class, AP Physics, ruined years of devotion to engineering. And engineering was a combination of what I liked, creativity, and what I'm good at, mathematics. So I applied Undecided Engineering. And that was the state of mind I was in, when I entered college.

In a way, I feel I'm still lost. Although, I do know I want to be an engineer, I do not know what field of engineering. But, I am starting to find my way . . .

Wow, I didn't expect to write so much about engineering. Yeah . . . So anyways, my blog will now play host to random stories as well as random whatever else I've been and will be posting.

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