Emily Lam

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Rambled Jumble


It's Christmas Eve! That means Christmas is less than twenty-four hours away. Oh my, that means the new year is in a week plus some minutes. =O I fell asleep during this post and well, it's now Christmas and the new year is indeed in seven days. Wow! Time really flew by these last couple of weeks of 2011. Having had finals up until the 21st, I really haven't had time to think about the holidays until the break. And well, Christmas crept up on me!

I'm drawing a blank. My brain is still fried from finals. Ironically, despite this semester being the semester I've felt I've learned the most, I've earned the lowest grades of my university career. It's funny how the world works. Next semester will be even tougher: 1 hard science course, two math courses, and two engineering courses – I've decided not to take a non-engineering related course. So we'll see how I come out of next semester.

Major-wise, I'm still torn between electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. It's problematic since I need to decide by the end of next semester. Well, I could always change afterwards. But I rather not and I really do need to make a decision. Next semester, I think I'm going to start a tally of what my guts tells me I should major in as my roommate suggested.

Also, there are a couple changes I want to slowly implement on my blog. First, I'm going to change my blog url. I think it's time to shed my founded in middle school username and usher in a new and more mature, formal name: lamemily. Well, that's if you read it lam emily and not lame-mily. ; ]  Never mind, that url was not available. The other changes I'll post about them when and if I implement them.

(This is just some rambled jumble to get back into the blogging mood. Bleh, a good portion of it is crossed out.)

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